Why You Should Use "Inspect Element"?

Aatir Abdul Rauf


Aatir Abdul Rauf


Sep 26, 2022

Why You Should Use "Inspect Element"?

There's one loyal companion in my product management journey that I've been particularly fond of.

Inspect Element.

This browser feature is like the WD-40 of the web world.

Such a simple tool but so many uses.

In case you haven't been introduced to the wonders of "Inspect Element", it's a developer tool provided by most web browsers that allows you to temporarily view & modify the HTML/CSS of any web page in run time on your local machine.

You can then technically:

  • Edit/delete any text
  • Modify/add html blocks
  • Change fonts
  • Modify color of elements
  • Resize various elements
  • Affect line spacing etc.

So, how does this help?

Well, I've used this in many scenarios like:

  • Modifying areas of a web page, taking a snapshot & sharing my ideas with designers
  • Rather than re-constructing an existing page on a wireframe tool, updating it in HTML/CSS & using that
  • Figuring out what CSS parameter works best (e.g. line spacing adjustment) and sharing that with my front-end developer
  • Testing out what a new font would look like on the site by changing one CSS property
  • Troubleshooting links
  • Finding links to original hi-res images & video files running in embedded players
  • Understanding what a page looks like on mobile & tablets
  • Checking meta-data and og-tags of my site
  • Looking into tools and tech stacks used by competitor
  • If I've forgotten the password to a site but it gets pre-populated by the browser at the time of login, I can use Inspect to change the "type" of the password field to normal to change the dots to plain text

...and so on.

If you're a product manager of a web platform & want to amp up your game, make sure you've befriended "Inspect Element".

(Funnily enough, I had to consciously avoid abbreviating Inspect Element to "IE" as that would confuse it with something with an equally notorious reputation).

See more: How To Use "Inspect Element"?

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