Every Product Manager often comes across this question: Build or Buy?
In this era, it becomes particularly tempting to "buy" because short time-to-market is crucial to fend off competitive forces. Moreover, the provider universe has expanded exponentially.
Is this a supporting feature that's not bound to change much? For example, a payment checkout which needs to capture funds. Or is it something which might evolve over time in unpredictable ways? For example, a gamification rewards system. Lean towards building in that case.
If you do decide to build a feature, what exactly will you be giving up in terms of your roadmap? Are you delaying something that is strategically more essential?
If it's pushing out a far more compelling user story without much gain, then reconsider.
Is it going to be a unique selling point for your product or an auxiliary tool? Is it a commodity like an email composer?
Avoid outsourcing your core to a foreign product - always build in that scenario to retain control.
If you build it, add up the estimate cost of development and project management + some buffer for expected delays, holidays etc. Then, slap on the maintenance, training and operational overheads.
For the buying option, build a time series which considers the subscription fees over time + add-ons. If the product depends on usage, factor that in by creating a steady incline month over month.
Line up the potential revenue stream against this to compare the dividends. Buying should ideally allow you to release early creating a head start.
As a Product Manager, you might be asked a lot of questions during an interview. One of them includes technical questions. Here are 4 types of technical questions that you might come across.